The Interregional Association Center for the Study and Conservation of the Snow Leopard "Irbis" was founded in 2021 with the aim of preserving rare animal species.

Interregional Association "Center for the Study and Conservation of the Snow Leopard "Irbis"

About us
The Irbis Association supports scientific research, anti-poaching work, environmental education, large educational and international projects. By preserving the snow leopard, we preserve the entire fragile ecosystem of the Altai-Sayan Mountain country, where the snow leopard lives, in harmony with local residents, international partners, the state, society and business.
Our main goal is to preserve the snow leopard, the Altai Mountain sheep (argali), musk deer and other rare species of animals.
Member of the Russian Geographical Society, Chairman of the Association "Living Nature of the Steppe", Chairman of the General Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the National Park "Saylyugemsky", founder and trustee of the Center for the Maintenance of the Musk Deer Population "AltaiEcosphere".
Ali Mussayevich Uzdenov
Board of Trustees of the Association
Let’s get to know one of the most secretive cats on the planet better. A rare spotted predator that has chosen cold mountains with eternal ice and alpine meadows as its home. Let’s find out what threatens the snow leopard and how to save it.
The Altai Mountain sheep is the largest representative of the genus of sheep, which also needs protection. Let’s find out why this species is under threat and what is being done to preserve it.
A small deer, without antlers, but with large ears. The animal’s signature style is the males' fangs, which grow throughout their lives and stick out from under their upper lip like a vampire. In the Altai-Sayan ecoregion, musk deer live in the same conditions as snow leopards. Poachers hunting musk deer set wire loops that catch both snow leopards and other species.
A large falcon, one of the most vulnerable birds of prey in Northern Eurasia. A unique morph, the Altai Saker Falcon, lives in Siberia. These birds were almost completely caught from the wild for the needs of Arab falconers. The birds need protection.
The Pallas’s cat is a cute-looking, but aggressive and cautious wild cat. Like the snow leopard, it is rare and secretive. The Pallas’s cat also needs protection, but who could hurt such a beautiful creature? Let’s find out.
Our achievements
Since its establishment in 2021, the Irbis Association has supported and implemented dozens of projects, events and ideas aimed at studying and preserving the snow leopard and argali.
    Association partners
    Friends of the Snow Leopard
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    © Interregional Association "Center for the Study and Conservation of the Snow Leopard "Irbis" 2021−2024
    Address: 123001, Moscow, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya, 25, building 1